3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (2024)

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3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (2)3D

Published 2019-08-14T17:23:57+00:00

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (3)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (4)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (5)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (6)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (7)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (8)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (9)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (10)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (11)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (12)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (13)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (14)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (15)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (16)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (17)

    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (18)

3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (19)


  • tifa-combat-stance-base

  • tifa-combat-stance-body

  • tifa-combat-stance-full-

  • tifa-combat-stance-full

  • tifa-combat-stance-hips

  • tifa-combat-stance-larm

  • tifa-combat-stance-lleg

  • tifa-combat-stance-rarm

  • tifa-combat-stance-rleg


  • tifa-combat-stance-body

  • tifa-combat-stance-full-

  • tifa-combat-stance-full

  • tifa-combat-stance-hips

  • tifa-combat-stance-larm

  • tifa-combat-stance-lleg

  • tifa-combat-stance-rarm

  • tifa-combat-stance-rleg

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3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (21)

  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (22)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (23)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (24)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (25)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (26)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (27)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (28)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (29)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (30)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (31)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (32)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (33)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (34)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (35)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (36)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (37)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (38)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (39)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (40)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (41)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (42)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (43)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (44)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (45)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (46)
  • 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (47)


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    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (53)3D

    Published 2019-08-14T17:23:57+00:00

    Printed Obsession


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    Bright and optimistic, Tifa always cheers up the others when they're down. But don't let her looks fool you, she can decimate almost any enemy with her fists...

    Tifa Lockhart, alternatively known with the last name Lockheart, is a playable character in Final Fantasy VII, and the deuteragonist of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. She also plays a supportive role in Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII- and Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. She is Cloud Strife's childhood friend, and a member of AVALANCHE.


    MyMiniFactory Exclusive - Credit - Noremix - Noncommercial 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (55) 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (56) 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (57) 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (58) 3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Printed Obsession (59)

    Technical Information

    Date published 14/08/2019

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    cute fantasy female fighter girl lock 7 final remake skirt seven boxer ff kick ff7 tifa lockhart lockheart fantasey hart

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    3D Printable Tifa Lockhart - Combat Stance - Final Fantasy 7 Remake 
            by Printed Obsession (2024)


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    Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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    Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

    Birthday: 1994-06-25

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    Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.